ebay is banning vaporizers

ebay is banning vaporizers

ebay has banned vaporizers, including Mods and E-Cigarettes. Vaporizers have become a hot topic lately and we understand why eBay (and Amazon) would want to avoid the drama. eBay is still a great marketplace and they do a great job supporting small businesses. You will still see vapes and mods listed for a while. Amazon uses a catalogue of items for sale, when they banned vaporizers they just had to pull the items out of their listings. eBay listings are set up by each individual seller, so it is a lot harder for them to remove items on a large scale. They have already banned buzz words like "tank" "atomizer" "vape" and so on. We will continue to add items to our Mod Section. We are always open to new ideas, if you have a favorite brand of vape/mod let us know and we will make them available


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